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  • Friday, 23 July 2021

    Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi 23rd July 2021 " Sonakshi Taunts Ishwari About Dev and Dev gets Angry from Sonakshi "


    Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi 23rd July 2021 " Sonakshi Taunts Ishwari About Dev and Dev gets Angry from Sonakshi "

                                        Image Courtesy : Sony Tv

    Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi 23rd July 2021 " Sonakshi Taunts Ishwari About Dev and Dev gets Angry from Sonakshi ".

    The episode starts with Vicky Asks Dev If He wants to Share His Problem.

     Dev Tells How Ayush is not Getting with them Along and He Also Asks If he did Anything Wrong?Vicky Says that His Son Golu Loves him more than His So How can he goes Wrong with A Kid.

    When Vicky Asks About Sonakshi Dev Changes the Topic that How Good His watch is and After He Gets Elena’s Call who is Asking Him to come soon and Dev Just Admires his and Elena’s Bond and Misses His with Sonakshi.


    At Home

    Ishwari Gives Milk to Ayush in Suhana’s favorite Cup and When Suhana Sees This She Shouts On Ayush to Keep On Table and Accidently Cup Slips and Breaks. Suhana Cries Aloud and Sonakshi comes there and Stops her Yelling and Crying. ishwari is Noticing All This.

    Sonakshi Says She doesn't Want you both to cry because of Each-other and takes Suhana inside.


    Ishwari comes inside and Asks didn’t you scold Wrong Child. Sonakshi tells her that cup is Suhana’s Favourite  Why did you give to Ayush.Ishwari tells Sonakshi that This is Small Step Later Suhana has to Share Her Parents with Ayush too But to prepare her this All will be a Small Step.

    She doesn’t Stop there She Tells Sonakshi that Dev told me that You are taking time but I don’t understand One Mother needs time to connect with her child how can A Mother let this Happen. Suhana Got Your 9 Year But Ayush Got only 9 Months How Can Your Heart doesn’t Melt to see his Innocent face. How Can You Differentiate between two children?

    Sonakshi Gets Angry and Asks You are telling me this who Always Differentiate between Dev and His sisters Dev is Always Your Priority and You Never Keep your children away from You.

    Ishwari gets Angry and tells her don’t take matters from one thing to another and I never saw any unlucky Mother like you.

    KUCH RANG PYAAR KE ESE BHI Today's Episode  

    At Night

    Sonakshi Gets Bad Dream Where Ishwari Gives Suhana to Rohit’s Parents and No One-Stop suhana, Sonakshi Shouts Suhana’s Name and Wake Up. Dev Gets up and Asks Sonakshi did she get Nightmare?

    Sonakshi Tells What She Saw In Dream and Dev Gets Angry that How Can She Even Think Like this. Sonakshi Shares her Fear That Ayush is getting New People But Suhana is losing Everyone and No One is noticing, Ayush has Father that why He Can Connect with You But He saw his mother so it's hard for him to connect with me.

    Dev Shouts that You are not Giving Him time All Day You Just with suhana and How can this Make Your Bond with Ayush. Sonakshi gets Angry and Asks How Can You Say This Tell me How Strong You and Your Mother Bond are with Ayush. Sonakshi tells you You Are Not understanding me Dev.

    Dev Shows Hand and Asks Did You ever understand Me Sonakshi. Both Just Look at Each other in helplessness.

    At Morning

    Dev Knocks on the washroom and calls Sonakshi to come out quickly, He gets a Message from Sonakshi That Use Any other washroom, He Shouts You Know I use Only My washroom, he gets Another That Instead of Shouting On me Push the Door Its Open. Dev Pushes the Door and It's Open, he Looks Around and Sees Sonakshi is on the couch working.

    Dev Asks When did you wake Up? She Replies I never Slept.


    At Bose House

    Sonakshi Meets Her father and Shares her Pain that Dev is Not understanding Her he Only Thinks That He is doing everything for Ayush and She is not Doing Anything.

    Sonakshi’s father tells her that he Always Hates Dev and His Family, He Also Shares When He First Time Saw Dev was Purchasing Something for Suhana I thought and Even You told He has Changed But You Know That Something Never Changed and Sonakshi Just Looks at His Father. His Father continues If You Choose Someone Else Over that idiot and He Loves You A lot.

    Sonakshi Says He Loves Me, Baba, She Shares How he used to understand without Even I Say But Now He just Doesn’t Understand It's Like We are Going Far Away from each other and It's hurt.

    Her father Says Why are You Hurt Its Dev Should be Hurt Now I am Going to Meet Ayush I Know How to Mingle with Ayush.

    He Thinks He will Do what one Father Should have done long ago.

    PRECAP For Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi 24th July 2021:

     Dev Asks Sonakshi What Should He Do? Sonakshi Says You are Doing Everything Correct.Sonakshi’s Father Gives Dev Blessing and Says God Give You wiseness (sadbudhhi), ishwari Gets Angry and Dev too But Her Father continues that You have Everything Apart what I wish you have.

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