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  • Tuesday 19 March 2019

    Kasautii Zindagii Kay 19th March 2019 Written Update " Prerna's Master Plan Komolika-Anurag got Arrested "

    Kasautii Zindagii Kay 19th March 2019 Written Update " Prerna's Master Plan Komolika-Anurag got Arrested ."

    Kasautii Zindagii Kay 19th March 2019 Written Update " Prerna's Master Plan Komolika-Anurag got Arrested ."

    Komolika calls Prerna to tell her that she is in a hotel room with Anurag and make her jealous.
    Komolika locks the door and shows the heart-shaped bed covered with flower petals. Prerna tells Komolika that the driver called her and told her that he left her midway because she was shouting at her like lunatic.

    Komolika replies that Prerna, you are going to be lunatic and she again reminds Prerna that she didn't let her first night be spoiled. Anurag also joins Komolika while teasing Prerna so that Komolika may think he's with her against Prerna.

    Kasauti Zindagi Ki season 2  Spoiler 19th March 2019 

     They bid goodbye to Prerna and cut the call. Komolika tells Anurag that she is really excited as she never did anything so adventurous before. Anurag thinks that he also didn't do such drama before. He begins his acting time.

    He acts as he feels lucky to be with Komolika. Komolika goes to change her outfit. Anurag thinks how can he convince Komolika that he loves her, without getting close to her. He starts planning to stop Komolika from coming close to him in a way that she may have no doubts on him.
    Prerna can't bear Anurag with Komolika. Their closeness disturbs her. She tries to distract her mind from Anurag and Komolika but the thoughts of their closeness keep disturbing her. She gets restless to imagine them together and thinks that she made a huge mistake.

    The plan was nice but they shouldn't find a hotel. She starts thinking to get an idea to stop the honeymoon. An idea strikes her mind. On the other hand, Komolika changes her outfit and returns to Anurag in a night dress.

    Kasauti Zindagi Ki Written Update 19th March 2019  

     Anurag gets worried to realize that she's in the mood to celebrate a honeymoon. He starts thinking if he should avoid her, pretend to be sick or tired or what. Komolika goes to Anurag and tries to seduce him.

     She asks Anurag about her dress. Anurag replies that the dress she wore earlier was better. Komolika thinks that he's feeling shy. Anurag tries to avoid her but Komolika continues to come closer to him. When Anurag finds no other way, he rushes to the washroom. Komolika gets worried and asks if he's alright. Anurag makes an excuse that he just wants to freshen up. The honeymoon challenge had put him in trouble.

    Komolika thinks that Anurag must have blown off against her. She doubts if he's trying to avoid her. She knocks the door and asks Anurag to open. Anurag continues making excuses. While Anurag is praying for a solution from God in the washroom, the door of their room knocks. Komolika opens the door and gets confused to see police at the door.

     Police asks her who is with her in the room? Komolika replies my husband. Police asks where is he hiding? Komolika asks him what he wants to say. To police, inspector comments that if they were husband-wife, they must've gone to a proper hotel, not like this 'Lovelight'. The inspector gets angry as Komolika turns to close to the door on him. Komolika gets annoyed and throws a glass of water on the inspector's face. Police arrests Komolika.

    She shouts for Anurag. Anurag comes out of the washroom and asks the policeman. Police arrest him too. At the police station, Komolika warns the inspector that he's making a big mistake. They were in the hotel but didn't know that the hotel was a shady hotel. Komolika insults the inspector and orders him to leave her. Inspector refuses to obey her order. Komolika has a right to make a call, so she calls her father who didn't pick up the call.

    Then she calls Mishka, tells her the whole matter and asks her to come there to get them out. Mishka is happy as someone taught a lesson to her sister and she doesn't want to undo Prerna's hard work, so she just sits and enjoys. Anurag is enjoying being at the police station. Komolika asks him to use his contacts or get them out.

    Anurag talks to an inspector who asks him to give proof of their wedding. Anurag gives him Mohini's phone number, whom he can call and testify their marriage. An inspector calls on Mohini's number but as her phone was lying in her room, Prerna answers the call. Inspector asks her to come to the police station.

    Precap For Kasautii Zindagii Kay 20th March 2019 Written Update :

     Prerna reaches police station with some ladies of NGO. And questions Komolika about being with Anurag at such shady hotel.

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